Saturday, August 05, 2006

Second Post

As the title plainly states, here is my second post.

I went to North Carolina this week. I was to stay a week up there at my grandparents house on the side of the mountain. However after 4 days I checked my E-mail and found out that I had an interview with UCF for a computer job. So we packed up and came home.

While we were in NC though, we did get to do some hikeing on the BlueRidge Parkway and stood on some cliffedges. Went up to Grandfather Mountain and stood on some cliffedges. Then went to Mount Jefferson and stood on some cliffedges. Why is standing on cliffedges so wonderful? Well... its really high and it makes mother nervous, oh, and it's a good good view.

While we weren't standing on cliffedges, we stopped by the DrPepper plant in Jefferson and got some glass-bottle DrPepper.

I am particularly fond of a DrPepper.

We also got some squeeky cheese (cheese curds) at the Cheese Factory in Jefferson. Oh squeeky cheese, why must you be so good?

About the only thing we didn't get to do that we usually do in the mountains was some whitewater rafting.

Oh yes, and we also saw a mountain lion while coming down a trail. Well I only saw the tail and a leg, and mom saw the side of it. It was lurking in the bushes. When we got close, it bounded out and through the woods. Getting eaten by a large cat would have been interesting.

Later I will post some kind of pictures.

We got back to Orlando in 10 hours, averageing better than 60mph.

The next day I had an interview at UCF for a computer repair position. It looks like an awsome job with a variety of things to do and learn from computer repair to networking to web development to video editing to functions and events for the school. (thats alot of to's ; one or two tos usually do.)

that night we played some Volley Ball and Tennis, Muchfun.

Well off I go to ready myself for Tagalog meeting today. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At one point in time, I think I had a blogger account, and I actually used it for too long. I think it got baleeted though, or something close to it. That would be lovely.

I haven't ever seen glass-bottle Dr. Pepper, though right now, I have Diet Cherry Vanilla DrPepper. I think it's beautiful, because it's vanilla and red and white, and it has cherries. Everything lovely.

It's good, but you should say more about your interview. Though, you seem to be mostly gone.

4:34 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Yes... I have forseen it... Yelah, keep that Tagalog up yo! Jya mata ne...haha

1:23 AM  

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