Friday, September 08, 2006


Check it out. My new favorite game. (ok second favorite, the Worms series still reins supreme.) But hey, it's free.

Toribash Website

Toribash is a fighting game, but unlike streetfighter or soulcaliber it is turn-based and there are no set moves. You set up all the muscles in your character and hit space, and the simulation runs 10 frames or so, moving your character according to your decisions on muscle movements using a physics engine. Because its turnbased it's more strategy and planning than reaction time like other fighting games.


Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Looks sweet. Do I have to DL it to play it?

11:55 PM  
Blogger Sculptus Poe said...

yea it runs on your computer

9:43 AM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

You did the beta one then? What's the diff with the one they want you to pay for?

7:04 PM  
Blogger Sculptus Poe said...

dunno.. yea its the demo i guess... the pay one isnt even out yet

7:55 PM  

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