Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's A blog entry... as if i were some sort of... daily bloggerman

Yesterday was alot of fun.

I started the day by barely making it to a Dr's Appointment that mom made for me I guess so that they can see if I'm dieing of something, I dont feel like I'm dieing of anything.. but you can't be too careful I suppose. At any rate, because we don't live in canada and I can't find my insurance card... I just filled out my info and left. So I guess i'll just have to wait till two weeks from now to see if i'm dieing of anything... if i can find my insurance card

That wasnt the fun part of yesterday though.. it was i suppose the mildly annoying part of yesterday.

After that I wandered around the mall for a few hours and ate the worst food in the american diet... cheese-fries with bacon... Mostly to give the doctor something to find later on. He will be sullen if he doesn't get to do at least one bypass operation on me i'm sure.

that was sort of fun... except for the fatty foods thing... I'v been getting fat so all i eat at work now is plain tuna almost every day... i like the tuna to be as low quality and nasty looking as possible... mostly because high quality tuna is dry and tasteless... don't get me started on white albacore... so i get bumblebee chunk-light tuna in water.. which i have deemed the cheapest, lowest quality tuna.. and therefore the best tasting. though there is also walmart brand tuna...but .. it frightens me. I keep a stack of bumble bee tuna on my desk that is 10ish cans high at the beginning of the week and i eat that. People think it's a strange thing to keep on one's desk... but i find canned fish aesthetically pleasing

At any rate I then went home and took a nap

which was sort of fun in a napping sort of way

After that me and danny and dustin went down to aiguille to do some rock climbing.
Everybody should get a membership to aiguille it is most fun and great exercise... thought i think it gives me random pains in my arms... but i can tell it's increasing my endurance as when we started there I would be exhausted after three or so walls and now after going there twice a week for the last couple months i can do 6 or 7 and not even be tired when I leave.

At aiguille I started on one of the really hard ones that I knew i was going to fail... though i ended up almost making it and was only 2 handholds from the top when my fingertips gave out and i failed at it for the third time in the last weekish

but i climbed some other trails and did some bouldering with mixed sucess. Dustin rocks the bouldering so i mostly do the trails he has figured out already

we stayed there for 3 hours

That was the first fun bit

then we went out to Fiddler's green with Adam, alexandra, melissa, merium, danny, dustin, jenson, melissa's twin and her twin's boyfriend who's names escape me because I am terrible at names, and a guy from adams work, wesley,two other people who's names i should know, eric and jenny ... man we had alot of people at that table

I started with a guiness .. even though I dispise beer... but a guiness.. though it is touted as the beer lovers beer.. is the only one i can stomach.

and we listened to an irishman play irish music on the guitar and we sang loudly when we knew the parts... danny just got back from irland.. and he went to a few pubs there.. but apparently the best irish pub is found in orlando florida .. because everybody was singing and boisterous with the songs here and in ireland nobody sang... eventhough the music was much better there

we also raised a hullaballoo ourselves with a rousing rendition of drunken sailor that got everybody in the room clapping with us and cheering at the end.

overall, a very lovely night at the pub

then me and merium and melissa and the as before unamed twin and boe went out for foodstuff at denny's where i mostly listened and stared at people as i am wan to do .. and they talked about puertorico and the food and college there and then we went home

so that was all very fun

and then i fell asleep.. because it was 330 am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why on earth did you stop?

5:32 PM  

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