Monday, February 11, 2008

A couple of weeks, Patriots vs Giants, and some other things

The last couple of weeks have been interesting...

Unfortunantly, I only made it out rockclimbing twice in the last couple weeks. once with Jade, danny, and jimmy and jake came too but didnt climb. That was really fun but going on a saturday afternoon ended up way too hot and crowded. Evenings after 7 are much better.
I went by myself on wednesday... mostly just bouldered and tried to work on my grip.

The Superbowl happened. I had to work though so i missed all but the end... I don't much follow the football, but i think it would have been interesting to have seen that game. I was going for the Patriots, mostly for statistical reasons, it would have been interesting to see a record breaking season of 19-0... oh well... so it's a forgettable 18-1. It was rather exciting to see the end of the game at jimmy's house with a bunch of people who apparently cared alot more than I did about the outcome. I enjoy sports in general, but mostly i like to watch other people be excited about sports. It amuses me. Jade and DJ and Kris ended up with their patriot cake in their faces, I was going for patriots too.. but not being exactly a fan, and as i came in late, i managed to avoid the cakeing.

Monday we went to gators... they have great wings. and that fancy touch screen game where you find the differences between two pictures. Thats pretty fun. Candice rocks that game. I get the high score every time I play though. ^_^

Thursday we didn't go to Natura, so we pretended to play volleyball but soon quit in disinterest and went and had fancy icecream at jerimiahs. later that night we went back to the volleyball court .. but ended up sitting around and sumo wrestling against DJ... I won a couple times but mostly he won. I should have started with a lower center of gravity and rushed harder. We tried to get emma and arielle to wrestle.. but they would have none of it. it was all pretty fun... I think i prefer relaxing at natura though. But as everybody went every week for the last couple of months... im not surprised other people are tired of it. I should probably try to find a new cafe with an open mike night. It would be nice to mix things up as we keep hearing the same acts every week, though some are worth hearing multiple times, others (mostly the "comedians" )i could do without.

Friday, we burned things, namely jimmy's futon and wicker chair. futons make good fires. Though apparently Jade taunts the futon fire, because it kept attacking her with coals and flinging sticks. I still have dark yellow lines burned into my hand, I think from the wood stain mostly. DJ and Jimmy rocked the rhymes with some impromptu rapping. It was most diverting.

Saturday we went to see DJ get baptized. Congratulations Brother Graves. Then we stayed for the rest of the assembly and went to eat at olive garden. I should have gotten the steak, I like my own spaghetti and meatballs better than theirs.