Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Jimmy, Danny, Nick, A.J., Emma, Danielle and I just got back from a cruise to the Bahamas! It was much fun. Lots of walking in circles and up and down stairs on a boat! The ocean is huge! There is a lot of water out there folks! The first day we ate and ate and ate and ate. As soon as you get on board, BAM!, they give you a buffet. So we ate alot of buffet. But then, after the buffet, we found ice cream! Then we had pizza! Then, there was a scheduled fancy dinner! Then.... room service? Though I didn't eat that.

that night we sat in a warm tub (it wasnt very hot) and got really cold when we got out.

Then the next day, after a buffet breakfast, we went to Nassau in the Bahamas! We got off the boat and onto a smaller crowded ferry to Paradise Island with a tour guide who spoke quite loudly about rich people's houses, Anna Nichole Smith's hospital and graveyard, and the, now defunct, nude beaches. On Paradise Island is a casino with a huge fish tank with ... manta rays! I like manta rays.

Then we went back to Nassau on another small crowded boat after purchasing conch shell horns that say Nassau on them. Then we walked past Senor Frog's and found a local beach in the ghetto.

Some dude came up and said "I have one question to ask you, Are you good? You know what I mean?" Then when Nick sort of shook his head he said "Weed man! Are...You...Good." We were apparently good because he then left without giving us any weed.

We stood on some sort of tree stump in the water for a while. The water in Nassau is awsome! It is seriously blue and extremely clear. It was like an ocean sized swimming pool. Local kids were jumping in the water from a dock, so danny and jimmy and emma went and jumped with them.

I sat on a piece of broken cement with AJ and watched the stuff. Some lady was there when I walked up (AJ was sitting there already, still watching the stuff while I was on the stump) She tried to put a bracelet on my wrist and I said "Whoa!... how much is this.." and she said "people are givin 5 dollars" I said "Pfft... I'll give you a dollar.." She then said "why are you jokin it's for the school this is my first day" and other things to sell me a bracelet. AJ had been trying to get rid of her when i walked up and already had on on his hand. I gave up, because I'm soft, and gave her 5$ and got the one she gave AJ... but I didnt get another one which she was trying to get me to get two. I'm actually happy with this bracelet .. it matches my necklace.

Then we went to Senor Frogs... and i got a Yard of Bahama mamma for 20$ after tax... but i lost the glass on the way back to the boat. Then we went to some side tavern and had a few fruity drinks and talked for a while. Much fun heh.

Then we went back to the boat and sat around outside the boat for a while... then everybody else got onboard.

Me and danny went back to the flea market to get some gifts... But they were closing so we only went to one stall with lots of wooden things. An old man was tending it. I chose a dolphin and a wooden alligator> I asked the man how much the gator was ... he said 35$. I said 'Ill tell you what.. how about 15$? ... the old man looked at me and said he couldnt do any better than 20.
I put both of them together and said.. How about I give you 25$ for the pair!... he said pfft what ... er.. fine i'm only doing this because we are closing today... so i got them both for 25$ when they would have been 60$ ^_^

Then we were walking back and some little girl was selling those plastic arm bands that were popular last year. I got one because i felt bad passing her up, then some other kid said he would sing me a local song for a dollar. So I gave him a dollar for a song, it was very Bahamas sounding. Then I bought a painting from an old lady. It was painted on a tile that was obviously pried off of some building. But it was black/yellow but had a blue background so i was happy.

Then we got back on board and it was time for the fancy Captain's dinner. So I dressed up and we had a fancy captain's dinner with two helpings of escargot.

After the fancy dinner, everybody was tired... so they went to sleep.

I went to the midnight buffet alone and got some dessert.

Then I sat on the back of the boat and relaxed as I watched the lights of Nassau slowly recede and disappear over the horizon.

Then I went to sleep.

The next morning we had more breakfast buffet and we were on Coco Cay, a small island owned by the Royal Caribbean company. We swam in the ocean with lots of little jellyfish, then sat out on a floating platform for a while. The water was crazy clear and the most awesome colors of aquamarine, blue and green.

We then went and played volley ball... We got second place out of 18... people. ^_^ there were only 3 teams. shh.

then we ate some bbq on the island, sat on benches and overfilled an hammock. Then we went shopping for a little bit.

After that we got onboard and took a nap for a bit. Some of us walked around the ship before the fancy dinner. We went way up to the bow and watched the water for a while. Then I saw a flying Fish! It jumped out of the water and flapped and glid for a hunded feet or so and then splashed down in the water. It was most awesome! Then we kept seeing them every 30 seconds or so. After watching fish for a while we got kicked off that level by the cleaning crew, so we went up to the top Viking Bar and sat for a while and had martinis. then we left for a bit, and got everybody else and came back to the viking room to watch the sunset... but there was no sunset because of the clouds... so we had more martinis and went to the last fancy dinner of the cruise. I had Lamb... fancy fancy lamb...

Then we left.. and went to the back of the ship and sat for a while and watched the moon. Then we went back and watched a comedian. After the show the boat started rocking. We were heading twards a storm, this was the first time during the trip that we could feel the ship move. It was slightly distressing to be in the rooms while the boat moved... so we went back to the back of the ship and sat for a long time and watched the moon again. Then we moved under some shelter in case of rain and watched the lightning of the storm... I love lightning and storms. Then we ate more pizza at the late-night pizza place (it was near two oclock. ) We didnt stay there long because of the rocking, so we went back to the back of the ship and sat tehre till it started raining and we were all nearly asleep... so we went back to the rooms and went to sleep... the rocking was almost over anyway.

The next day we ate breakfast in the fancy dining hall, and then the trip was over so we got off and went home.

Over all, an awesome trip to the Bahamas!

I like boats. ^_^