Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sitting in Clewiston.

It seems that some people are actually posting on their blogs again. Arielle and Chelsea seem to be leading the R.U.B.I.U.W.T. (Revive Ur Blog If U Want To) movement.

I guess I'll jump on the ole band-wagon and play a ditty or two and see how far it gos before it gets stuck in the mire again.

Really, I want to make my own web page. I think I'll start working on that... just need to find a good hosting service.

On to the matter at hand, sitting in Clewiston.

Mostly I came here to pitch a website design to Danny's boss. However, as his boss is not even going to be in for the time I'm going to be here, it was a mostly wasted trip. I did, however, get some of the best spaghetti ever. My mom's is much better than any at a restaurant. It's definitely the best thing she makes.

I took a nap yesterday, because that's the sort of place Clewiston is. Never take a nap... It is a horrible experience. I was slightly tired and lay down on the couch, figuring that a little shut-eye would do me good. I, however, forgot that me and naps don't mesh. I woke up feeling more tired than ever, and with a horrible headache. I did, however, have an interesting dream.

Glen's nap dream:
I was driving around a town with Danny, Jimmy and Jenson. I'm not sure what town this was, but there were hills and some woodsy southern style architecture. We came up on a general store that was at the top of an staircase about the size of the Arena staircase but made entirely of wood.

I recognized the place and felt like it was a place that we liked to go to, though really it isn't any place I've ever been. We climbed up all the stairs and went into the store. It was a regular general store, sort of a blend of a cafe and a 7-11. raw wooden walls and floors and generally good lighting. Arielle, Chelsea and Danielle were in there already, drinking coffees. We said hi to them and then for some reason I left.

As I was leaving an Asian girl that, in the dream, I knew walked out of a pub. (In retrospect, I think she was the Asian girl from the "the next top model" or whatever modeling show Veranne was watching monday.) The pub was apparently a separate part of the general store that I didn't see before. When I walked in I went up to the bar because she offered me a free drink. For some reason you had to walk up on a stage that was behind the rack with the drinks. It was apparently near closing time. A bunch of sprinkler heads popped up out of the bar and started spraying cleaning solution, so I didn't sit down cross-legged like everybody else that was up on the bar-stage because it was wet.

Everybody who was in the other part of the general store then walked into the pub and sat down at a table towards the entrance.

The bartender handed me what smelled like a crown-and-coke in one hand and a glass with a Bahama mama in the other hand. I had to stand in a corner because the bar sprinklers were getting cleaning solution everywhere.

At this point my cellphone woke me up. Danny needed a ride back to the house. I was excessively groggy and could barely get up. My head was killing me and even my eyes were tired.

So... that's why I don't take naps, even in the most boring city in the world.