Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sculptus Poe Learns Tagalog

It's the title to my new themed blog. checkitoutcheckitoutcheckitout

It's all about me learning(or trying to learn anyway) tagalog.

check it out, fix my errors, do my bidding, darn my socks... ok fine... just the first two


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

some hot balisong action

you know what... this is an old video... why am i even posting it? because i came a cross it by accident, thats why. take that.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Would you help an old man buy a can of peas for you?

It's been an awsome long weekend.

Wendnesday I ran up to O-town and went with Jimmy James Chelsea and Tony to pick up Jesh and Amber. Went later to Walstermart and Jimmy got the StarWars dvds. Played some cards and hung out that night.

Thursday me Jimmy and Jesh met Clayton at cocoa beach for some surfing... Well.. they surfed .. (maybe i should learn to surf) I sat on the beach in a lawn chair under an umbrella and made to film them surfing... but there were so many people surfing I kept loosing them in the crowd.. So im not sure if i actually have any footage of them catching any waves. Clayton busted his lip and left and got a couple stitches(got pictures of that somewhere) . That night we went to bookstudy and hung out at jimmy's, played some word twist and watched some starwars.

Friday me Jesh and Amber went to the mall and a surf shop. I got this hat see (no you don't as i have no picture of it). That night me and jimmy and tony met danny james chelsea nick and a bunch of other folk at the UCF swing-dance, where we got swingdancing lessons and we all cut a rug, as it were. muchfun. On the way home danny was accosted by the Pole lice for like 45 minutes.

Saturday Jesh gave an awsome talk at the Tagalog meeting (in English no less .. go figure) . After that bout 80somethign people converged on jimmys house where we ate awsome food (Anything Jimmy Sr. cooks is awsome) We sang some kareoke on jimmy's new kareoke mikes...and more muchfun ensued. I have no pics... perhaps there are some on Levi or jenna's site, dunno. That night, after everybody left, me danny jimmy chelsea james jesh levi jenna nick and leif played some Vball. Chelsea was the ringer, made most of our points, and we got pwned by jenna's serving 15-1, she made like 10 points in a row, dag yo. ... so there was more much fun..

Sunday we got up , plaed some text twist. Then we went to wendy's and ate frosties. ran down to the ovido mall and went to some surf shops. then came back and played som mariocart. then i went with jeshes dad and jesh and amber and jimmy to eat at cracker barrel (im still stuffed) and we dropped jesh and amber off at the airport and they flew back home.

overall a pretty awsome week, ill probably stay in orlando a couple more days and apply some places before i go back to clewiston.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

momma cat

its a picture of my sweetest... she died a couple years ago of something...

Friday, September 08, 2006


Check it out. My new favorite game. (ok second favorite, the Worms series still reins supreme.) But hey, it's free.

Toribash Website

Toribash is a fighting game, but unlike streetfighter or soulcaliber it is turn-based and there are no set moves. You set up all the muscles in your character and hit space, and the simulation runs 10 frames or so, moving your character according to your decisions on muscle movements using a physics engine. Because its turnbased it's more strategy and planning than reaction time like other fighting games.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

its sort of a post?

Howdy random blogskippers. I'm just sitting here in Clewiston, doing things I guess. Playing with birds and thinking about grouting some tile. I should probably go to Orlando some time. The dog just made a fort out of blankets, thats an interesting thing for him to do. And now, I'm holding a wet canary that's probably mite infested.

well i mostly posted to get my pic up so....behold the majesty

Sunday, September 03, 2006

SP Seal of Approval

fancy ain't it?

get your own seal