Sunday, October 29, 2006

Well my new scheduel starts today

S: 415pm - 115am
M: 415pm - 115am
W:415pm - 115am
F:415pm - 115am
S:415pm - 115am

... at least ill never have trouble waking up on time

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Sculptus Poe gets a job week one...

well the first week of this job was training ... so I still havent actually talked to somebody on the phone yet... they did sujest that most savy employers will try to find employees blogs to see what sort of person they're employing(though presumably that would be best done before they hire) but if any conextion folk are in tha house... umm... howdy ^_^ .

interestingly... they send alot of their level 2 staff to the phillipines... so if I advance in this company perhaps ill have the opportunity to practice my tagalog in a phillipine market while i'm purchaseing some bootleg knock-off electronics

hopfully i'll know my regular scheduel some time next week... im going to try to get fri-sat off and mornings on tue and thurs.... most likely though ill get tue and thursday off alltoghether as most noobs at callcenters only get the late shift (4-1)

played some awsome Vball last night... the ufc vball anology was upped a level when jimmy covered the field in blood... owch... and now ... i must find some caffine

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

watashi wa Bum janai

Well, it happened. My days of running about free and unfettered are over. I went out and got... a Job. It's some sort of 10$ an hour tech-help-center gig where I'll be forced to work the night shift mostly (5pm-1am) ... but hey ... it pays better than my current job hahahahaha

On the plus side, it will probably leave my daytime open for searching for a job with a more acceptable income , going out in service , brushing up on my programming skills, or (and this is the most probable) hanging out at the mall and lurking creepily in the midday shadows.

I'm afraid a night job may be, paradoxically, not so good for a night person such as myself. Because, even though I wont be all that tired at work, it steals away the best hours of the day.

Oh well, we'll see how it goes. I'm sure it wont be that bad ^_^.

Next step: Finding an apt.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

check out the Chrysler

Behold! The cougar has been replaced by a younger model. She got mad at me when I was turning over the tags and refused to start again. Just like a car to behave like that.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Jung Typology Test ... yup INTP sounds bout right

I think the Jung personality test is the best scale... though it puts all of society in one of 16 personailities. Of course there are varying degrees to each category.

see where you fit:

Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

by Joe Butt

Profile: INTP
Revision: 3.0
Date of Revision: 27 Feb 2005

INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.

Precise about their descriptions, INTPs will often correct others (or be sorely tempted to) if the shade of meaning is a bit off. While annoying to the less concise, this fine discrimination ability gives INTPs so inclined a natural advantage as, for example, grammarians and linguists.

INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to most anything until their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken and inflexible. They prefer to return, however, to a reserved albeit benign ambiance, not wishing to make spectacles of themselves.

A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure. They spend considerable time second-guessing themselves. The open-endedness (from Perceiving) conjoined with the need for competence (NT) is expressed in a sense that one's conclusion may well be met by an equally plausible alternative solution, and that, after all, one may very well have overlooked some critical bit of data. An INTP arguing a point may very well be trying to convince himself as much as his opposition. In this way INTPs are markedly different from INTJs, who are much more confident in their competence and willing to act on their convictions.

Mathematics is a system where many INTPs love to play, similarly languages, computer systems--potentially any complex system. INTPs thrive on systems. Understanding, exploring, mastering, and manipulating systems can overtake the INTP's conscious thought. This fascination for logical wholes and their inner workings is often expressed in a detachment from the environment, a concentration where time is forgotten and extraneous stimuli are held at bay. Accomplishing a task or goal with this knowledge is secondary.

INTPs and Logic -- One of the tipoffs that a person is an INTP is her obsession with logical correctness. Errors are not often due to poor logic -- apparent faux pas in reasoning are usually a result of overlooking details or of incorrect context.

Games NTs seem to especially enjoy include Risk, Bridge, Stratego, Chess, Go, and word games of all sorts. (I have an ENTP friend that loves Boggle and its variations. We've been known to sit in public places and pick a word off a menu or mayonnaise jar to see who can make the most words from its letters on a napkin in two minutes.) The INTP mailing list has enjoyed a round of Metaphore, virtual volleyball, and a few 'finish the series' brain teasers.

INTPs in the main are not clannish. The INTP mailing list, with a readership now in triple figures, was in its incipience fraught with all the difficulties of the Panama canal: we had trouble deciding on:

1) whether or not there should be such a group,
2) exactly what such a group should be called, and
3) which of us would have to take the responsibility for organization and maintenance of the aforesaid group/club/whatever.

A Functional Analysis -- by Joe Butt

Introverted Thinking

Introverted Thinking strives to extract the essence of the Idea from various externals that express it. In the extreme, this conceptual essence wants no form or substance to verify its reality. Knowing the Truth is enough for INTPs; the knowledge that this truth can (or could) be demonstrated is sufficient to satisfy the knower. "Cogito, ergo sum" expresses this prime directive quite succinctly.

In seasons of low energy level, or moments of single-minded concentration, the INTP is aloof and detached in a way that might even offend more relational or extraverted individuals.

Extraverted iNtuition

Intuition softens and socializes Thinking, fleshing out the brittle bones of truths formed in the dominant inner world. That which is is not negotiable; yet actual application diffuses knowledge to the extent that knowledge needs qualification and context to be of any consequence in this foreign world of substance.

If Thinking can desist, the INTP is free to brainstorm, calling up the perceptions of the unconscious (i.e., intuition) which are mirrored in patterns in the realm of matter, time and space. These perceptions, in the form of theories or hunches, must ultimately defer to the inner principles, or at least they must not negate them.

Intuition unchained gives birth to play. INTPs enjoy games, formal or impromptu, which coax analogies, patterns and theories from the unseen into spontaneous expression in a way that defies their own comprehension.

Introverted Sensing

Sensing is of a subjective, inner nature similar to that of the SJs. It supplies awareness of the forms of senses rather than the raw, analogic stimuli. Facts and figures seek to be cleaned up for comparison with an ever growing range of previously experienced input. Sensing assists intuition in sorting out and arranging information into the building blocks for Thinking's elaborate systems.

The internalizing nature of the INTP's Sensing function leaves a relative absence of environmental awareness (i.e., Extraverted Sensing), except when the environment is the current focus. Consciousness of such conditions is at best a sometime thing.

Extraverted Feeling

Feeling tends to be all or none. When present, the INTP's concern for others is intense, albeit naive. In a crisis, this feeling judgement is often silenced by the emergence of Thinking, who rushes in to avert chaos and destruction. In the absence of a clear principle, however, INTPs have been known to defer judgement and to allow decisions about interpersonal matters to be left hanging lest someone be offended or somehow injured. INTPs are at risk of being swept away by the shadow in the form of their own strong emotional impulses.

Famous INTPs:

Rene Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Sir Isaac Newton

U.S. Presidents:
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerald Ford

William Harvey (pioneer in human physiology)
C. G. Jung, (Freudian defector, author of Psychological Types, etc.)
William James
Albert Einstein
Tom Foley (Speaker of the House--U.S. House of Representatives)
Henri Mancini
Bob Newhart
Jeff Bingaman, U.S. Senator (D.--NM)
Rick Moranis (Honey, I Shrunk The Kids)
Midori Ito (ice skater, Olympic silver medalist)
Tiger Woods

Fictional INTPs

Tom and Fiona (Four Weddings and a Funeral)
Dr. Susan Lewis (ER)
Filburt (Rocko's Modern Life)

Copyright © 1996-2005 Joe Butt

Anyone who thinks (s)he is an INTP is invited to join one of these INTP fora: